Promoting Improved Cooking Practices in Nigeria

Promoting Improved Cooking Practices in Nigeria

This project reduces carbon emissions by manufacturing and distributing efficient charcoal cookstoves that replace inefficient cookstoves currently widely used in the region.

SAFA Projects
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SAFA Projects
Project Owner
Toyola Energy Services Limited
SAFA Projects
total Tonnes Co2 Available


This project contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, mitigation of deforestation, and enhancement of air quality in Nigeria by manufacturing and distributing efficient charcoal cookstoves that replace the currently prevalent inefficient cookstoves. The project helps thousands of families and small and medium commercial entities.

At the time of project initiation, over 71% of Nigeria’s population relied on solid fuel in inefficient traditional cookstoves and open fires. Beyond the climate impact, this widespread practice results in serious indoor air pollution. Consequently, Nigeria records the highest number of indoor air pollution related deaths, averaging 64,000 deaths annually, especially among women and children in poor families. The distribution of improved and sustainable cookstoves contributes to decreasing this indoor air pollution and related health impacts.

How it works

The improved charcoal cookstoves reduce fuel consumption through the introduction of a ceramic liner that increases combustion efficiency and retains heat. This reduces the amount of firewood and charcoal needed for cooking, which in turn reduces the amount of GHG emissions that would otherwise be released during the cooking process. The replacement cookstoves also alleviate indoor air pollution caused by utilizing inefficient cookstoves or cooking over open fires.

Why this project

This community project replaces the inefficient cookstoves that are widely used by the majority of the Nigerian population with highly efficient ones. The project helps to reduce carbon emissions and improve the health and livelihoods of low-income, rural families.


  • These efficient cookstoves reduce the amount of firewood and charcoal needed for cooking which reduces the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions released.
  • This project directly benefits low-income, rural families, with the project scope focusing on decreasing the workload of the women in these communities.
  • This project helps mitigate the negative health impacts associated with traditional cookstoves.
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sustainable Development Goals
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